Gabriel Rodrigues

Web Developer | Webflow Expert

I started my career at least 7 years ago as a Social Media intern, where I gained significant experience in copywriting, social media management, and the whole realm of ads, such as Instagram Ads and Google Ads. After a few years, I had the opportunity to learn web development. Immersed in intensive courses, I was promoted to Web Developer in less than a month. Since then, I have accumulated experience with various international and national agencies, continuing to learn every day.

I was recruited by LIT’s HR 2 years ago and immediately accepted due to its unmatched environment compared to any other agency I had previously worked with. As a developer, I have contributed to over 100 websites developed and launched around the world.

Outside of work, I dedicate my free time to deepening my knowledge in my field. On weekends, I enjoy relaxing and traveling to nearby places around Curitiba, exploring new restaurants and revisiting favorites. Besides strolling in the park, going to the mall, and watching movies, I also like to watch series and documentaries, all while spending time with my wife.